What do you think when the US Chamber of Commerce comes to mind?
Perhaps you think of expensive suits standing around mahogany tables, papers laid out with numbers and charts- thinking corporate lobbyists. The US Chamber of Commerce is the largest business lobbying group in the United States.
Does that mean that everything about their history is corrupt? Are they really the lobbying front of top corporate businesses that we hear about?
Keep reading as we uncover the truth behind the US Chamber of Commerce’s past and present.
1. The History
The US Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business federation. It is a nonpartisan, business-friendly organization that works to promote pro-business policies. The Chamber represents 3 million businesses of all sizes, from all sectors of the economy.
The Chamber is the leading pro-business advocate in the US, working to help businesses succeed according to Suzanne Clark.
2. Political Involvement
The Chamber is politically active, spending millions of dollars each year on lobbying and campaign contributions.
In the 2016 election cycle alone, the Chamber spent over $30 million on federal elections, with the bulk of its contributions going to Republicans.
The Chamber is also active in state and local elections, often backing candidates who support its business-friendly agenda.
3. Controversial Actions
The US Chamber of Commerce has been embroiled in controversy in recent years. The Chamber has been a major opponent of campaign finance reform. Also, has been accused of using its vast resources to influence elections.
Despite its controversial actions, the Chamber continues to be one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the United States.
4. Support of Small Businesses
In fact, the Chamber’s Small Business Summit is the preeminent gathering of small business leaders in the country. The Chamber also works tirelessly to ensure that small businesses have the tools and resources they need to grow and succeed.
The Chamber’s support for small businesses is visible in its commitment to reducing the regulatory burden on small businesses, promoting fair and pro-growth tax policies, and providing access to affordable and quality healthcare.
5. Awards and Recognition
Each year, the Chamber recognizes businesses and organizations from across the country for their commitment to excellence in workplace policies and practices.
Awards are given in categories such as workplace flexibility, wellness, human resources, and community involvement.
The Chamber also presents an annual Human Resources Excellence Award to a company that demonstrates a commitment to effective HR practices.
Considering the Chamber of Commerce
If you’re concerned about the power of the Chamber of Commerce, there are things you can do. You can support organizations that lobby against the Chamber, or you can vote for politicians who have pledged to not take money from the Chamber.
You can also make your voice heard by contacting your representatives and telling them to stand up to the Chamber.
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