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The GATE Full Form is “Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering’’, “Gifted And Talented Education’’, “Gateway National Recreation Area” and “General Architecture for Text Engineering’’. Apart from these, GATE has many other full forms listed below.

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering

It is an national level entrance examination conducted for the admission into the master’s degree of Engineering and science. GATE is conducted by Indian institute of technology. It is conducted to test the competency of the candidate in the subjects like Engineering, technology and Architecture.

There are two types of GATE Examination they are Multiple choice question and Numerical Answer Question.

Mainly GATE stands for “Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering’’ and “Gateway National Recreation Area“.

All GATE Full Forms with Hindi Meanings

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineeringइंजीनियरिंग में स्नातक योग्यता परीक्षा
Gifted And Talented Educationप्रतिभाशाली और प्रतिभाशाली शिक्षा
Gateway National Recreation Areaगेटवे राष्ट्रीय मनोरंजन क्षेत्र
General Architecture for Text Engineeringटेक्स्ट इंजीनियरिंग के लिए सामान्य वास्तुकला
Graphical Analysis Tool Environmentग्राफिकल विश्लेषण उपकरण पर्यावरण
Girls’ Access to Educationलड़कियों की शिक्षा तक पहुंच
Global Alliance for Transnational Educationअंतरराष्ट्रीय शिक्षा के लिए वैश्विक गठबंधन
Golgi-Associated ATPase Enhancerगोल्गी-एसोसिएटेड एटीपीस एन्हांसर

In the above table you must have seen all Full Forms of GATE in Hindi Meaning. Now we are going to discuss some more useful information which is frequently asked by you.

Frequently Asked Question for GATE

1. What GATE stands for?

Answer: The GATE stands for “Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering“, “Gifted And Talented Education“, “Gateway National Recreation Area“.

2. What is the Full Form of GATE?

Answer: The full forms of GATE is “Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering“, “General Architecture for Text Engineering” and “Gateway National Recreation Area“.

3. What is GATE Full Form in Engineering?

The GATE Full Form in Engineering is “Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering“.


So if I conclude every word has different meaning. Finally we can conclude by saying that most used full forms of GATE are “Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering“, “Gateway National Recreation Area“, “Gifted And Talented Education” and “General Architecture for Text Engineering“.

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