House hunting can be exciting, but let’s be real—it’s also exhausting. After spending hours touring potential homes, trying to remember which kitchen had that amazing island, or getting frustrated over too-small closets, you’re probably in need of a serious mental reset. Here’s where the fun part comes in: decompression! Your mind deserves a break from the whirlwind of decision-making and logistics.

Let’s talk about some super simple ways to decompress and reset your brain after a long day of house hunting.

Play a Game (Or Five)

What’s one of the best ways to get your mind off things? Play a game! You don’t need to organize a full-on game night or break out a complicated board game. Keep it simple. Solitaire, anyone?

There’s something about a classic game of solitaire that’s oddly soothing. You’ve got the cards, the rules are straightforward, and your mind gets to focus on something completely different from comparing square footage. Whether it’s a digital version or an old-school deck of cards, it’s the perfect mental distraction.

Get Outside and Move

When you’ve been inside all day, driving from one potential home to another, fresh air can be the perfect reset button. It doesn’t have to be anything intense—just stepping outside and taking a short walk can work wonders.

Find a park, a quiet street, or even your backyard. Stretch your legs, breathe deeply, and let your mind wander. Walking naturally calms the nervous system, and by the time you’re back, you’ll feel like a new person.

If walking isn’t your thing, maybe stretching or light yoga could do the trick. Yoga, in particular, is amazing for releasing built-up tension in the body. Just a few minutes of gentle poses can help you feel more centered and less weighed down by all the housing decisions swirling in your head.

Tune Into a Podcast or Audiobook

Sometimes, the best way to reset is to escape into someone else’s world. Podcasts and audiobooks are excellent for that. Pick something light, funny, or inspiring—whatever gives you a break from reality. Whether it’s an episode of your favorite true crime podcast, a comedy show, or an audiobook you’ve been meaning to listen to, this can be a great way to take your mind off everything house-related.

Podcasts are also great because they can be enjoyed while doing something else, like cooking dinner or unwinding in the bath. Multitasking, but in a way that’s totally relaxing. Plus, a good laugh or an interesting story might be just what you need to reset your mood.

Cook Up Something Delicious

Speaking of cooking, whipping up a meal can be another excellent way to decompress. There’s something therapeutic about chopping veggies, stirring a pot of sauce, or even just following a recipe step by step. You get to focus on something physical, which pulls your mind away from house hunting.

If you’re not into cooking from scratch, even making something simple like a grilled cheese or a smoothie can be a small act of self-care. And the best part? You get to enjoy a tasty reward at the end!

Digital Detox (Even for 10 Minutes)

House hunting can leave you glued to your phone or laptop—endless scrolling through listings, replying to emails, checking maps. After all that screen time, consider giving your brain a break with a quick digital detox. Turn off the electronics, even if it’s just for ten minutes, and do something else.

You can close your eyes, listen to music, or even sit in silence. That short time without screens can help reset your brain and bring you back to the present moment. It’s a simple trick, but incredibly effective when you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the noise.

Create Something

Getting creative is another fantastic way to unwind. And no, you don’t have to be Picasso to do it. Doodling, knitting, painting, or even coloring in a coloring book can help distract your brain and let it focus on something fun instead.

There’s something about making something with your hands that’s naturally calming. Maybe you’ve been meaning to finish that DIY project, or maybe you just want to sit down with a coloring book for adults and zone out for a bit. Whatever it is, let yourself get absorbed in it for a little while. You’ll feel more grounded and relaxed afterward.

Call a Friend (Or Text Them)

Sometimes, decompressing means talking it out. Call up a friend and chat about anything but house hunting. Catch up, tell a funny story, or vent a little if you need to. There’s a reason they say laughter is the best medicine—it really can turn your mood around!

If a phone call feels like too much, even sending a funny meme or a quick text can make you feel connected and lightened up. Sometimes, a short chat or a laugh with a friend is all you need to shake off the stress.

The Power of a Good Night’s Sleep

Finally, one of the most underrated ways to reset after a stressful day is sleep. If your mind is racing, try winding down with a bedtime routine. Lower the lights, put your phone on do not disturb, and give yourself time to relax. You’ve earned it.

House hunting might be tiring, but these mental resets can make a huge difference. After all, you want to enjoy the journey as much as possible, right? By taking the time to decompress, you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the next step.