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Showing: 31 - 40 of 69 RESULTS
Sad DPZ for Whatsapp

The 2M 365k GitHubLapowskyProtocol

A new study by Protocol’s chief correspondent, Issie Lapowsky, has found that users with white-sounding names are more successful on GitHub than those with black-sounding names. The study is a fascinating insight into how unconscious bias affects recruitment and hiring processes in the tech industry. It may also help to encourage more organizations to think …

Sad DPZ for Boyz

Famous People With Williams Syndrome

What is Williams Syndrome personality? Williams Syndrome is a rare genetic condition that affects 1 in 10,000 people worldwide. This condition is characterized by distinct facial features, developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, and a unique set of personality traits. People with Williams Syndrome are often referred to as “social butterflies” due to their outgoing and friendly …

Instagram Sad DPZ

How to Troubleshoot and Fix ChatGPT Internal Server Error

Introduction ChatGPT is an AI-powered language model that has been designed to provide users with intelligent and contextual responses to their queries. While ChatGPT is known for its reliable and efficient service, sometimes users may encounter an internal server error message when trying to access the platform. What is the ChatGPT internal server error? An …

Alone Sad DPZ

Federal Investigators Look Into Codecov Data Breach

In late April 2021, software code testing company Codecov announced a data breach that affected an unspecified portion of its 29,000 customers. Federal investigators are now looking into the security incident. Reuters reports that hackers tampered with Codecov’s Bash Uploader script in January, potentially giving them access to the credentials of its customers’ continuous integration …

Sad DPZ for Girls

25 Important Softwares Every Restaurant Must Have

The landscape of the food and beverage sector is ever-changing. The use of procedures that were acceptable only a few years ago is rapidly being phased out in favor of quicker and more effective ones. Restaurant management software is one area of restaurant operations that has changed the most. Every day, new systems emerge that …