The ABS Full Form is “Anti-lock Braking System“, “American Bureau of Shipping“, “Access and Benefit-Sharing” and “American Board of Surgery“. Apart from these, ABS has many other full forms listed below.
Anti-lock Braking System – An electronically monitored slowing mechanism (ABS) is a security hostile to slip stopping mechanism utilized on airplane and ashore vehicles, like vehicles, cruisers, trucks, and transports.
Mainly ABS stands for “Anti-lock Braking System.“, and “Access and Benefit-Sharing“.
All ABS Full Forms with Hindi Meanings
Anti-lock Braking System | लॉक – रोधी ब्रेकिंग प्रणाली |
American Bureau of Shipping | शिपिंग के अमेरिकी ब्यूरो |
Access and Benefit-Sharing | पहुंच और लाभ-साझाकरण |
American Board of Surgery | अमेरिकन बोर्ड ऑफ सर्जरी |
Apple Bank for Savings | बचत के लिए एप्पल बैंक |
Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing | आनुवंशिक संसाधनों तक पहुंच और लाभ साझा करना |
Advanced Business Solutions | उन्नत व्यापार समाधान |
Aircraft Braking System | एयरक्राफ्ट ब्रेकिंग सिस्टम |
In the above table you must have seen all Full Forms of ABS in Hindi Meaning. Now we are going to discuss some more useful information which is frequently asked by you.
Frequently Asked Question for ABS
1. What does ABS stands for?
Answer: The ABS stands for “Anti-lock Braking System“, “American Bureau of Shipping“, “Access and Benefit-Sharing“.
2. What is the Full Form of ABS?
Answer: The full forms of ABS is “Anti-lock Braking System“, “American Board of Surgery” and “Access and Benefit-Sharing“.
3. What is ABS Full Form in Automobile?
The ABS Full Form in Automobile is “Anti-lock Braking System“.
So if I conclude every word has different meaning. Finally we can conclude by saying that most used full forms of ABS are “Anti-lock Braking System“, “Access and Benefit-Sharing“, “American Bureau of Shipping” and “American Board of Surgery“.
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