Seriously ponder over this question. You may have developed a software product or a new app for several months. It is ready for launch but the only problem is no one is aware on how to use it. A product tour is an interactive way of guiding a user on how to use a product. Even it is employed by companies to guide the users about features of a new product. Since all the users will not be tech savvy, improvement in guidance and on- boarding will have a major impact.

A modern product tour will have a degree of sophistication and complexity that was missing in the past. When you are using it correctly it is more than pop- ups that would emerge on the screen. A product tour will provide viable UI designs so as to formulate a first-hand impression about the product.

The digital marketplace has become competitive and the importance of on boarding tends to be evident. Any product tour examples that guides an user to an aha moment can make or break a product. But it is not limited to guide a new user.

The advantages of product breakthrough

A product breakthrough provides various benefits to the users and it evolves down to the various contexts that you use them.


A considerable shift occurs in the manner people engage and interact. Rather than providing an user with a video or a manual you engage the users in interactive tours. In the educational community it has a lot of steam and over the users has turned out to be an excellent learning tool.

Enhances product adoption

A viable way for the users to enhance product absorption is showcasing on how a product is valuable to a user. It is going to show how exactly why a product would be solving a problem that an user has. The sooner an user is able to obtain value from a product the less possibility of them abandoning it.

Performance data

A notable feature of a product tour is that users are able to capture performance data. From interactive walkthroughs you can pull out advanced information and have an idea on which type of users are becoming churned in a particular process. This can turn out to be a great source of user retention.

The process of on boarding needs to become efficient

If you are able to develop an excellent product tour it means that on- boarding will become effective and being more efficient. It is going to enhance  user production and user retention and showcasing the valuable features of a product that is being underused.

User activation

User activation turns out to be a healthy aspect of KPI showcasing the heath or feature of your app or product. A KPI is an indicator on how an user will become an engaged customer.  Proper guidance makes sure that a user signs up through  active reminders, tips etc.

Self service

At the centre of a product tour is self- service. It is better that people end up discovering about a product all by themselves. A user would demand self- service option and opt for automated options rather than custom driven ones. A feature is a well done self service would reduce the cost in a product tour.

Feature adoption

While a particular feature of a product would enhance product adoption, more features they adopt more likely they would be sticking around. A developer can opt for feature adoption through well sourced product tours that would explain the tours or the features.

Each and every product tour needs to culminate their own features. But there are  few basic principles that people need to follow when it comes to product tours. Firstly it is better if you segment the users as product tour will become relevant and efficient to the users. if a new user is able to declare what aspects of the product or app they are interested a personalized tour can provide them with the aha moment immediately.

You may consider user behaviour to trigger the use of a product. it would be suitable for some product tours when it opens as most of the effective ones are triggered.