Salesforce Experience Cloud helps businesses create custom portals to communicate with customers, partners, and employees. A system administrator follows several steps to create users within this platform. Here are some methods an administrator may use to create Experience Cloud users:

Navigate to the Setup Menu

To log in to your Salesforce account, enter your administrator username and password. Once you have accessed it, find and click on the gear icon located in the upper right corner of the platform. This icon opens the Setup menu where you can access different administrative settings and tools. In the menu, you will see a Quick Find box on the left side of the screen. Using this search box, you can find specific settings or options as an administrator.

Create a New User

To find users, click inside the Quick Find Box option, which helps you view, manage, and create accounts easily. Once you find the users section, click on the new user button to begin the process. At this stage, you fill out different fields, such as first and last names. Administrators are required to type in the username, email address, and role assignment of the new user. After filling out all the information, assign a user profile for the individual. To finalise the creation process, save the new user account.

Assign a Community License

Find the licence field in the user creation or edit page in Salesforce Setup. Once you locate this section, choose the right community licence type, depending on the user’s responsibilities. You may find options such as customer community, partner community, or customer community plus. After selecting the license, give the users access rights to become either viewers, members, or moderators. Different types of roles let everyone interact effectively within the Salesforce Experience Cloud environment.

Add to the Experience Cloud Site

To add newly created users to the Experience Cloud site, go to experience workspaces or all sites in the setup menu.  From the list of available sites, choose the specific Experience Cloud site you wish to manage. On the left panel of the platform’s settings, click on the option of administration to navigate to the members section, where you click on add members. To add these people to the site, search for users using their username or email address.

Create Permissions

System administrators set user permissions and control who can log in and from where. This feature also manages who can view, edit, and manage reports and dashboards, and setting login hours restricts access to the community during non-business hours. To allow users to receive new posts or see comments, administrators can customize email notification settings effectively. For security purposes, administrators authenticate logins using two factors, such as passwords and verification codes. After adding different permissions, save the information to apply the changes.

Send Welcome Emails

When creating the new user, verify that the automated send welcome email option is checked since it gives the user instructions on logging in and using their Salesforce account. You can customize the content provided in the email to include specific guidelines, links, or visual elements that match your organization’s communication style. Before sending the welcome email to new users, test the template to see if the details and formatting are correct. After sending the email, check the delivery status to determine if the right people received the message or not.

Invest in Salesforce Experience Cloud

System administrators create new users and set up permissions to help everyone collaborate efficiently. To keep the system secure at all times, administrators use protocols such as setting initial passwords. Invest in Salesforce Experience Cloud software to simplify tasks in your business process.