The Laser hair removal makes it possible to get rid of unwanted body hair, but it is not a one-time job. Some of the dormant follicles will not get removed, and they will become active after some days.
You can get the desired results only with laser hair removal touch up. Laser treatment is effective no doubt, but it is not possible to kill all the roots at one go. Some of the roots may become active after the procedure and start growing in small patches. Ulike blog has more detailed information on this topic.
Laser Touch Ups
The main aim of the laser touch up technique is to target the hair follicles that regrow after the laser sessions are completed. The dormant hair follicles that escape the laser hair removal technique will be targeted here and will be destroyed from the root.
The Importance
Even though permanent hair removal solution can be achieved with laser, it does not happen at one go. You will not see consistency because some patches of hair will grow where the beam did not reach effectively. So, you must follow the instructions of doing the touch up sessions, and eventually you will get the smooth and flawless skin that you desire.
Here are some reasons why laser hair removal touch-up sessions are important.
- Thickness and Color of Hair – You will need more touch-ups if you have lighter colored hair and if it is thin.
- Bodily Differences – The quality of skin and hair is not the same for everyone. Some types of skin have stubborn hair and will need a thorough treatment, while it is comparatively easier on other types.
- Changes in Hormones – Some of the hormonal changes trigger hair regrowth even after completing laser hair removal sessions. The touch-ups can take care of such hair follicles.
- Hair Growth Cycle – The hair regrowth goes through a certain pattern also known as the growth cycle. It is from the time of growth till it eventually falls off. There will be a longer transition period in between. It is recommended to do the laser treatment and follow-ups in the growth stage.
- Skin Damage – It is not recommended to use laser on damaged skin, so you will have to heal it first and later do touch-ups on those areas.
- The Technology Used – The hair regrowth cycle will be affected based on the type of laser hair removal equipment used and the intensity of the light beam used. You should discuss this with your new service provider if you do not follow the touch up sessions with your previous provider.
- Change in Health – Sometimes, unseen health conditions might cause variations in the hair regrowth cycle just because of the usage of some medications. Touch ups can take care of such unseen causes.
Laser hair removal is the ideal way of getting rid of all the unwanted follicles from your body. The effects of this permanent technique can be enhanced with the touch ups.