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You know those nightmares where you’re out in public having a grand old time, then all of a sudden you look down and realize you’re naked?

That panicky feeling pretty much sums up what it’s like when you discover you desperately need something on your wedding day. Either you have to make do and go without (who needs a dress anyway?) or, you suffer through (turns out, you do), wasting precious minutes—even hours—as you scramble to figure it out.

If putting together a wedding day emergency kit isn’t one of your wedding to-dos, this is why it’s important to get it on the list, stat.

Not sure what you need? Our comprehensive guide has everything to remedy any uh-oh scenario.

Bandages and Blister Care

It’s that age old question, style or comfort? And let’s be honest. Style almost always wins when it comes to shoes. Which is why band aids and blister pads are a must have to prevent any poor soul from having to hobble down the aisle.

Headache and Pain Relievers

Headaches and cramps are two wedding crashers that must be avoided, at all costs. Packing Advil or Ibuprofen helps keep them away. While you’re at it, pack feminine care supplies and any other over-the-counter meds you might need. Oh, don’t forget breath mints!

Water and Snacks

It’s important to keep yourself and the rest of the wedding party hydrated and energized with some healthy snacks. You’ll probably be too nervous to eat anything rich, but slices of cheese, fruit, granola bars and nuts will do just fine. If you want to take it up a notch with a delicious unexpected spread, have some fun with it.

Comfortable Shoes

Pack flats or sandals to give your dancing feet a must needed break from heels during the reception.

Small Sewing Kit

Make sure to include scissors, needles, and thread—preferably in the same color as your wedding and bridesmaids’ dresses. 

Don’t forget safety pins and fabric tape for any wardrobe malfunctions that need a quick fix. (Still in the market for bridesmaid dresses? Check out Bella Bridesmaids. They have an incredible selection of gowns perfect for any style of wedding.)

Stain Remover

Adding one of those handy stain remover pens or wipes is crucial for tackling any on the spot stains or spills. And don’t be surprised if one or more groomsmen sheepishly appear, looking for something to remove barbeque sauce from their cuffs…

Clear Nail Polish

One of the oldest tricks in the book: clear polish can be used to stop runs in stockings.

Bobby Pins and Extra Hairspray

Pack them, you’re going to need them. Include extra curling or straightening irons while you’re at it.

Makeup Touch-Up Kit

Pack your favorite shade of lipstick, powder, blotting papers, and whatever else you need. Don’t forget a small compact mirror for quick assessments of how it’s all holding up

Phone Charger and Portable Power Bank

The last thing you want is to miss a crucial call while you’re getting ready because your phone died. 

You, your bridesmaids and guests will all be snapping pics; make sure to keep phones charged for all those special moments.


There will be tears. This is a happy and emotional time, and it’s a good idea to have a few tissue boxes on hand, just in case.

Emergency Cash and Credit Card

From tipping vendors to sending your maid of honor to the store on a quick mission for something, it’s always handy to have a little extra cash on hand.

Crucial Contingency Plans to Make as Part of Your Wedding Day Emergency Plan

Besides the practical items themselves, it’s also important to have a plan B. If your wedding is outdoors, your plan B could be what you’ll do in case of rain or high winds.

If you’re worried about the cake sliding off the platter and exploding on the shiny wood of the venue floor (this happens more than you’d think!) have a backup plan, such as a store you’ll race to that’s always well stocked with pretty vanilla cupcakes smothered in pink buttercream frosting.

What are some of the components that make your big day big?

What potential pitfalls could occur, and what would you need to have in place to not let it put a major damper over the whole day?

Jot those down, as well as your solution, should one or more come to pass


Think of your wedding emergency kit as a catch all, remedying everything from comfort issues to mishaps that are beyond your control. With a solid plan in place if a worst-case scenario happens, it’s not going to matter. You’ll know exactly what to do.